Snaaku attack saucers on the hunt.
Way back during the Jurassic Age, finding water on the Red Planet was the least of your problems.
THE MAORI SECRET BASE is well hidden in one of the thousands of side canyons which branch off Valles Marineris, the greatest canyon in the solar system. In places 200 kilometres wide and 7 kilometres deep, Valles Marineris stretches 5270 kilometres across Mars, where in the deepest of the canyons, like an Arthur Conan Doyle’ “Lost World”, a diminished but vibrant eco system still exists, rich with oxygen and pockets of original Martian jungle. Home to flying creatures the size of condors and quite a few surprises, some of them extremely unfriendly. Loch-like lakes can also be found here, remnants of the mighty fresh water oceans which once covered Mars. Above the rim of the canyons, however, it’s a completely different story. Here the air is alpine thin, so rebreathers are often required and Mars is very obviously a dying world, albeit one of breathtaking grandeur and beauty.
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