Sweet as! Tiki Taane joins Maori on Mars as Musical Director!
How’s that for an endorsement, when NZ’s hottest act Tiki Taane signs on as Maori on Mars musical director! We’re as passionate about the music as we are about story and the visuals, so this is a major coupe for Maori on Mars. We are also equally passionate about delivering an accurate representation of Maori. With Iwi artists like Tiki Taane and art director Inia Taylor now onboard, that’s in safe hands. Tiki and his dad Uekaha are creating a unique new haka called the Bloodstone Haka! This will be the official haka of the Nga Maia and the Maori on Mars signature theme. Bloodstone is the name of a ruby red Martian rock.
Glad to hear Maori on Mars is finding traction. It's a great concept but what about this guy Heff and the management of Magimation. Rumour has it they've used and abused some very talent Maori Artists and have trouble honoring their agreements. I wonder whether Tiki knows this???
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